Fabian Kohl
Patent Attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Studied materials science at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and specialized in the area of plastics and their processing.
Afterwards, he worked in the development department of an internationally active automobile industry supplier.
In 2012, he became a licensed attorney and partner of a Nuremberg patent attorney firm. In 2015, he joined the Hafner & Partner law firm and became a partner of the Hafner & Kohl law firm in 2016.
Memberships: AIPPI, FICPI, EPI, German Patent Attorney Bar Association
Main areas of activity: plant engineering, automobile engineering, plastics engineering, laser technology, mechanical engineering, general mechanics, medical technology, metrology, music instruments, optics, process engineering, materials technology, computer software, employee invention law, design law, contractual law
Theresa Lenz
Attorney at law
Studied law at the University of Regensburg, afterwards was an intern at the Nuremberg-Fürth District Court specializing in industrial property rights. After her second state examination, she became a licensed attorney in 2007.
She joined the Hafner & Partner law firm in 2007 as attorney and became partner in 2008. Since 2016, she has been partner of the Hafner & Kohl law firm.
Successfully completed a specialized legal course in industrial property rights.
Memberships: AIPPI, GRUR
Main areas of activity: national, European and international branding, trademark, domain, design and competition law, contractual law
Dominik Leroch
Patent Attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Studied physics at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and specialized in the area of optics, in particular beam shaping and laser lithography.
Afterwards, he worked in the development department of an internationally active automobile industry supplier and in the development department of a company offering services in the field of technical optics.
In 2017, he became a licensed attorney and joined the Hafner & Kohl law firm.
Memberships: AIPPI, FICPI, German Patent Attorney Bar Association
Main areas of activity: plant engineering, energy technology, automobile engineering, plastics engineering, laser technology, mechanical engineering, general mechanics, medical technology, metrology, physics, optics, process engineering, materials technology, computer software, weapons technology, employee invention law, design law, contractual law
Rainer Schuster
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Patent Attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Studied “patent engineering” (diploma) at the faculty of mechanical and environmental engineering at the Eastern Bavarian Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden.
From 2005 to 2010, he worked as patent engineer in a Nuremberg patent attorney firm.
From 2011 to 2018, he worked as a patent engineer at a German bus & truck manufacturer, since 2012 as professional leader of the patent department of the motor development and motor production branch.
In 2013, he became a European patent attorney.
In 2018, he became a German patent attorney and joined the Hafner & Kohl law firm.
Memberships: EPI, German Patent Attorney Bar Association, VPP
Main areas of activity: automation, automobile engineering, plastics engineering, laser technology, general mechanical engineering, general mechanics, mechatronics, metrology, optics, production engineering, process engineering, defence engineering, employee invention law, design law, contractual law, freedom-to-operate analyses
Dieter Hafner (until 2016)
Dipl.-Phys., Dr. rer. nat.
Patent Attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Studied electrical engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, physics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich and the University of Regensburg. Received a scholarship from the German Research Foundation to perform research in the field of magnetic materials at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Received his PhD from the University of Regensburg and the California Institute of Technology.
Memberships: AIPPI, FICPI, GRUR, EPI, German Patent Attorney Bar Association
Main areas of activity: physics, electrical engineering and electronics, mechanical engineering, power plant technology, automotive engineering, textile machines and textile engineering, printing presses, engine technology, sensor technology, laser technology and optics, instrument technology, robotic electronics, computer hardware and software, contractual law